Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Clark and Morticia

So, I'm another year older -- AND DEEPER IN DEBT! Yesterday was my, *cough*, 35th birthday, and boy isn't that terrific.

Not that I have any complaints about the day itself -- everyone at work seemed to be wishing me happy birthday, I got a lot of best wishes from my scattered friends via Facebook and MySpace. Jolie even sent me a card with dogs on it! (Hi, Jolie!) I got cookies and Play-Doh and Tootsie rolls as presents from my co-workers.

After work, I went out for sushi (a traditional Bill birthday celebration) with my friend Stephen -- he paid. Yay! Afterwards, we went to his place to hang out, watch "How I Met Your Mother," and eat carrot cake, and he gave me my birthday present: a framed print of the famous Hang In There, Baby poster, done in the style of Soviet propaganda, like this...

Hang in there, baby!...only kittier.

It was originally my idea, and I was the one who did the translation, ("Вы должны продолжить бороться, товарищ" : "You must continue to struggle, comrade"), although I make no claims to the accuracy of the translation. Thank you, Google translation tool! Nevertheless, it looks fantabulous, with the hammer and sickle and the yelling kitty in a Stalin hat. I wish I could put a copy online, but Stephen made it for me, and it's not my place to post it online. When he finally creates a Cafe Press shop to sell it on T-shirts, I will be sure to post the link. I have the picture hanging in my office.

This rivals the birthday coconut (which I still have) in terms of cool birthday presents.

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