Today is my first day working at the Atlee branch of our library system; the previous tenant of the chair my butt is occupying retired, effective yesterday -- Hi, Susie! But in order to cover all the main libraries with sufficient hours on the reference desk until New Guy©
I finished Christopher Moore's The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove yesterday, and am currently trying to decide what I would like to read next. Another Christopher Moore book? Should I revisit Vonnegut for the first time since high school? Should I follow up 1984 by reading Brave New World? The tenth novel I've read in a little over two months, I think: I discovered the key to my reading is to actually make time to read. That may sound self-evident, but it sort of wasn't for me. So instead of blaming my faulty brain chemistry on the fact I don't read, it was just that I wasn't reading. I never claimed to be particularly bright.
You may have noticed I'm trying to take time to write on my blog more frequently, too. I realize that the audience is minimal, but my brain has been feeling ossified and uncreative lately, and I think that the blog helps to get me thinking about things, and organizing my thoughts better. I also think that anything that gets me writing is, in a way, a good thing, barring terrorists pointing a gun at my parents' dog and demanding I blog.
I started this monster as a way to entertain myself, so I guess nothing is lost if I keep on in that tradition.
And, to entertain you fine folks this Saturday afternoon, Flight of the Conchords:
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